Do Greater Things
Do Greater Things puts in practical terms who Jesus was and what it means to follow his teachings. Nine spiritual practices from Jesus can help you awaken your own divine qualities.
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Product Description
Following in Jesus' Footsteps
This book describes who Jesus is and what he did and continues to do, and outlines nine spiritual practices that when executed on a consistent basis will foster the reader's ability to repeat Jesus' example. In addition, by the end of the book, the reader will have a deeper and more powerful relationship with Jesus. It encourages readers to see themselves and Jesus differently. It describes how our traditional interpretation of Jesus' teachings misses his essential message, which is that we are God realized and describes in practical terms what it means to emulate Jesus' example in the day-to-day fabric of our lives. All along the reader is given nine spiritual practices that when incorporated on a daily basis will cultivate their own spiritual awakening.
To download the teacher's guide click here.
Softcover, 235 pp.