The Story of Unity - e-Book
The Unity movement has experienced steady growth for more than a century. This updated edition includes the original 15 chapters relating the life and teachings of Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, along with selections from their writings, photographs, and a chronology.
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The Story of Unity
May The Story of Unity inspire you, uplift you, and bless you with the Spirit of Truth.
Charles R. Fillmore, grandson of the cofounders of Unity, calls The Story of Unity "both a factual and fascinating account of how a courageous American couple gave the world a new practical approach to Christianity at a time when it was badly needed."
This updated edition includes the original fifteen chapters relating the life and teachings of Charles and Myrtle Fillmore and the growth of the Unity work, along with selections from the writings of both Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, cofounders of the Unity movement. Photographs and a chronology have been added to further enhance the text.
The Unity movement has experienced a steady growth for more than a century. Today, as this book accurately relates, Unity's approach strives to be psychologically healthy, scientifically sound, intellectually challenging, and spiritually satisfying.
Born in 1912, James Dillet Freeman began writing verse at the age of ten. By the time he finished college, his poems had been published nationally. His affiliation with Unity School of Christianity began in 1929, at the invitation of Unity cofounder Myrtle Fillmore.
Rev. Freeman served as director of Unity's ministerial program for twenty years. He also served as director of Silent Unity, a worldwide prayer ministry, and was a member of the Board of Trustees and first vice president of Unity School. In 1984 Freeman retired from his positions in order to devote more time to writing and speaking.
It is as a poet and author that James Dillet Freeman is best known, and he has inspired literally millions. His work has been translated into thirteen languages, and it is estimated that published copies of his poems exceed 500 million. He has been published in The New Yorker, Saturday Review, The New York Times, Scientific Monthly, Reader's Digest, and many others.
His "Prayer for Protection" was taken aboard Apollo 11 in July 1969 by Lunar Module pilot Buzz Aldrin. His poem "I Am There," which is probably his best-known work, was featured in 1995 on the television program Angels II: Beyond the Light. It was also taken to the moon by Col. James Irwin on Apollo 15 in 1971. Irwin left a microfilm copy of the poem on the moon.
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