Let There Be Light - e-Book
This is the first book in a trilogy that explores the Bible through the lens of Charles Fillmore's metaphysical Bible interpretation. Let There Be Light investigates the Old Testament; its companion volumes, Your Hope of Glory and Be Ye Transformed, study the New Testament.
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Product Description
Let There Be Light
This is the first book of a trilogy written by one of Unity's early teachers, Elizabeth Sand Turner, that explores the Bible through the lens of Charles Fillmore's metaphysical Bible interpretation. Let There Be Light investigates the Old Testament, as its companion volumes, Your Hope of Glory and Be Ye Transformed, study the New Testament.
"The Bible was written by men with spiritually illumined minds, and we can understand their words only as divine intelligence illumines our minds. 'Let there be light.' This command is obeyed as we turn to the divine intelligence active in us. As we accept the light, the obscurities of the Bible text are clarified, and a revelation of the supreme truths with which it is replete comes to our eager consciousness." -- From the Foreword.
Available in e-book format from these distributors.