The Spiritual Wisdom of Pets
Love, Play, and Animal Chaplaincy
If you ever need a conversation starter, ask someone whether they have a pet. Chances are they do and will tell you all about it. With pictures. Half the people in the world live with pets, including two-thirds of Americans and even more in Central and South America. There are far more American households with pets than children. Dogs, cats, fish, birds, assorted reptiles, even guinea pigs and hamsters work their way into our hearts.
They also teach us spiritual lessons if we pay attention. In this booklet, you will read stories from New Thought writers reflecting on the wisdom of their pets. Pets can teach us love, forgiveness, play, and certainly how to be happy in the present moment. You will also learn about a fairly new branch of ministry called animal chaplaincy and about the Rainbow Bridge we have built at Unity Village, Missouri, to honor pets who have passed on.
When we open our hearts, we can be blessed, enlightened, amused, and comforted by our nonhuman friends. We hope these stories (and yes, pictures) will entertain you and touch you as you consider the importance of the many creatures with whom we share the planet.
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