Showing 1 - 20 of 84 results
DAILYWORD Prosperity
Build a prosperity consciousness with this 90-day program. Former Daily Word editors provide tips for claiming abundance in finances, health, and relationships.
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Ask Yourself This!
Awaken your inner genius through a series of deep, self-reflective questions. Your unique answers will help you create a more spiritual vibrant lifeùfor your greatest good and the well-being of others.
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How to be an Antiracist
Combining ethics, history, law, science, and personal experience, Ibram X. Kendi encourages readers to think differently about racism. Learn how to oppose racism, both in systems and in ourselves. -
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
Challenging the idea that we live in an era of colorblindness, Michelle Alexander illustrates how the American criminal justice system functions as a contemporary system of racial control. -
What if I Say the Wrong Thing: 25 Habits for Culturally Effective People
Practical suggestions to help you find the culturally effective way to approach diversity situations in the workplace and beyond and how to keep moving diversity forward in your organization. -
Do Puppies Pray?
Peter Pup, a curious and mischievous puppy, decides to investigate the puzzling actions of his boy. It turns out that solving the mystery is the beginning of a new way of life in the neighborhood. -
Use the Truth You Know: Unity's Principles and Premises
Answers to questions about Truth, Unity principles, and a practical understanding of how these divine ideas can be used to make a difference in your own life. -
Write It on Your Heart: Random Acts of Kindness Journal
Get ideas for random acts of kindness, all submitted by Unity employees, and enjoy space to write about your own experiences in this spiral-bound kindness journal. -
Keep a True Lent
By observing Lent "according to the spirit rather than the letter", you can bring change to your life. Explore the Unity perspective on this season of renewal with 41 daily lessons.
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The Quest for Wholeness
Brumet takes the idea of wholeness beyond healing or personal fulfillment to the realization of our true spiritual Self. We suffer when we identify only with our humanity, ignoring our spiritual nature.
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Christian Healing
Unity cofounder Charles Fillmore demonstrates how to read, apply, and study lessons of affirmationùin much the same way as one would study and apply mathematical principles.
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Talks on Truth
Charles Fillmore was a pioneer in metaphysical thought when most religious views were entirely orthodox. These 14 enlightening talks by the Unity cofounder explore the metaphysical aspects of Christianity.
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Do Greater Things
Do Greater Things puts in practical terms who Jesus was and what it means to follow his teachings. Nine spiritual practices from Jesus can help you awaken your own divine qualities.
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Rants to Revelations
Holder's journey includes a pious childhood, a teenage rebellion, and a collegiate crisis of faith. He hit a dead-end in his 30s before paving a new path to divine self. It's a path he's still walking.
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Essential Charles Fillmore: A Guide to Practical Mysticism and Metaphysics
A revised edition of the popular compilation and exploration of Charles Fillmore's most significant teachings. Includes new commentary and streamlined sections to reveal what is most essential about Fillmore's writings and talks.
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Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People
Understand how our brains use common stereotypes, and how we can outsmart them. Learn how to identify and eradicate unconscious biases about others' character, abilities, and potential.
The Fire Next Time
A provocative examination of racial injustice and of James Baldwin's early life, this classic exhorts Americans to attack the terrible legacy of racism.
White Fragility: Why it's so Hard for White People to Talk About Racism
White Fragility is a defensiveness in white people when they are challenged racially. This book examines how white fragility develops and how it protects racial inequality, and it offers ways to engage more productively.
So You Want to Talk About Race
Race and racism infect almost every aspect of American life, yet they remain difficult to talk about. This user-friendly guide shows you how to have honest conversations about racism, privilege, and white supremacy with the people in your life.
Jesus Christ Heals
Learn the healing methods of Jesus, which are founded on universal
mental and spiritual laws that are accessible to every one of us.
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