Black Communities
Showing 1 - 20 of 28 results
Wellness on a Shoestring - e-Book
Learn seven steps to achieve and maintain wellness without spending lots of money—from getting plenty of rest to clearing the junk out of your space or your life.
Handbook of Positive Prayer - e-Book
Learn how to pray as Jesus prayed and discover more about journaling, visualization, prayer vigils, prayer partners, and other ways to create a deeper and more fulfilling prayer life.
Click here for print version. -
Visualize It--An Inspiration Notepad
This inspiration notepad helps you harness the power of visualization as a mini vision board. -
How to be an Antiracist
Combining ethics, history, law, science, and personal experience, Ibram X. Kendi encourages readers to think differently about racism. Learn how to oppose racism, both in systems and in ourselves. -
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
Challenging the idea that we live in an era of colorblindness, Michelle Alexander illustrates how the American criminal justice system functions as a contemporary system of racial control. -
What if I Say the Wrong Thing: 25 Habits for Culturally Effective People
Practical suggestions to help you find the culturally effective way to approach diversity situations in the workplace and beyond and how to keep moving diversity forward in your organization. -
Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People
Understand how our brains use common stereotypes, and how we can outsmart them. Learn how to identify and eradicate unconscious biases about others' character, abilities, and potential.
The Fire Next Time
A provocative examination of racial injustice and of James Baldwin's early life, this classic exhorts Americans to attack the terrible legacy of racism.
White Fragility: Why it's so Hard for White People to Talk About Racism
White Fragility is a defensiveness in white people when they are challenged racially. This book examines how white fragility develops and how it protects racial inequality, and it offers ways to engage more productively.
So You Want to Talk About Race
Race and racism infect almost every aspect of American life, yet they remain difficult to talk about. This user-friendly guide shows you how to have honest conversations about racism, privilege, and white supremacy with the people in your life.
The Five Principles
The five principles are tools for daily living and reflect the laws of the universe that apply to everyone, all the time. Every reader can work with these principles, test them, and use them in daily life.
Click here for e-book version. -
Handbook of Positive Prayer
Learn to pray as Jesus prayed and discover more about journaling, visualization, prayer vigils, prayer partners, and other ways to attain a more effective prayer life.
Click here for e-book version. -
Just for Today Calendar: A Year of Inspiration from Wendy Craig-Purcell
365 practical intentions to support your spiritual practice. This perpetual calendar can be used day after day, year after year.
How to Pray Without Talking to God: Moment by Moment, Choice by Choice
A new framework for thinking about prayer. You can pray without believing in God, and you can have a rich and fulfilling spiritual practice without adhering to a set of creeds or dogmas.
Rise into Your Power - 12 Powers Card Deck
48 full-color cards to help you explore the 12 powers, your innate spiritual abilities. The inspiration cards feature definitions of each of the powers, reflection questions, empowering statements, and affirmations.
Just for Today: A Journal for Conscious Living
This spiral-bound journal offers 101 powerful intentions to deepen your spiritual journey by encouraging guided journaling, prompting your morning pages, or supporting a meditation practice.
"I am Grateful for...An Inspiration Notepad
This inspiration notepad helps you cultivate a daily gratitude practice through simple prompts.
Inspiration Notepads - Set of Three
This set of three inspiration notepads offers a place to sketch, doodle, and write. Use them to support your gratitude practice, set intentions, and create a vision board.
Fear Not: Messages of Assurance
Jesus tells us not to be afraid, a message that can be hard to remember in difficult times. These inspirational essays from longtime Daily Word editor Martha Smock remind us once again that we are never alone.
Click here for e-book version. -
Intention Planner--An Inspiration Notepad
This inspiration notepad is a weekly planner for identifying values, visualizing your goals, and setting intentions.