Applying Heart-Centered Metaphysics - e-Book
A companion to the textbook Heart-Centered Metaphysics, this workbook is designed to increase your understanding and application of the teachings and tools in your everyday life. With rich exercises and space for notes, it can be used again and again to lead you to new awareness.
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Product Description
A complement to the popular textbook Heart-Centered Metaphysics: A Deeper Look at Unity Teachings (Paul Hasselbeck, Unity Books, 2010), this Workbook is designed to increase your understanding and application of the teachings and tools in your everyday life. With rich exercises and ample space for notes, this Workbook can be used again and again to lead you to avenues of new awareness. Through these paths, you will move beyond intellectualizing the teachings as you move toward an intimate connection to the Truth Principles of Heart-Centered Metaphysics.
Rev. Dr. Paul Hasselbeck is dean of Spiritual Education and Enrichment at Unity World Headquarters, Unity Village, Missouri. He is the author of the books Heart-Centered Metaphysics and Point of Power, and co-author of Get Over It, Get Over These Too and PowerUP.
Rev. Dr. Cher Holton combines her work as a Unity minister with a successful consulting business based in Durham, North Carolina, leading corporate workshops, training classes and team-building events. She has written many business books and is co-author of the spiritual book PowerUP.
Available in e-book format from these distributors.