Divine Audacity: Dare to Be the Light of the World
Divine Audacity makes the audacious claim that each of us can be ""the light of the world"" as Jesus instructed his followers to be. A refreshing approach on how to be spiritual without being religious, connecting to our own divine light, and realizing our oneness with God.
Product Description
Experience Oneness with the Divine and Light Up the World
Divine Audacity makes the audacious claim that each of us can be "the light of the world" Jesus instructed his followers to be. Martella-Whitsett offers a path for living a deep and authentic life outside of the strictures of traditional religious categories. A refreshing approach, in essence, on how to be spiritual without being religious.
We truly find God when we go inside to connect with divine light, realize our oneness with God and others, and let our light shine in the world. Martella-Whittset looks at what "divine light" is and how it is both audacious and normal to claim it for ourselves. Next she introduces us to 12 spiritual powers we can all develop and learn to use on a daily basis: faith, understanding, will, imagination, zeal, power, love, wisdom, strength, order, release, and life itself. When we consciously shine our spiritual powers on ourselves, not only are our lives improved, but all of humanity can be enriched and transformed.
Linda Martella-Whitsett, winner of the 2011 Best Spiritual Author competition for her first book, How to Pray Without Talking to God, is an inspiring, respected Unity minister and spiritual teacher. Linda is the senior minister at Unity Church of San Antonio and a mentor for emerging leaders in new thought.
Softcover, 256 pp.
Book, Tips, Self-Help