Prayer Way to Health, Wealth - e-Book
The eldest son of Unity cofounders Charles and Myrtle Fillmore was raised in an environment of affirmative prayer, so it was natural that he would write about prayer as a means to achieve health, wealth, and happiness. The thirteen sections of this book are based on Truth affirmations Lowell Fillmore compiled from experience.
Product Description
The Prayer Way to Health, Wealth, and Happiness
The eldest son of Unity cofounders Charles and Myrtle Fillmore was raised in an environment of affirmative prayer, so it was natural that he would write about prayer as a means to achieve health, wealth, and happiness. The thirteen sections of this book are based on Truth affirmations Lowell Fillmore compiled from experience. He called these affirmations "gadgets," which he found valuable in meeting everyday problems involving health, prosperity, and human relationships. A fourteenth section contains Lowell Fillmore's reflections on the Lord's Prayer.
This is a practical book, offering a commonsense approach to problem solving through prayer and the activity generated by listening for answers to our prayers. In the foreword Fillmore writes: "If I address a prayer to God but keep my attention on the problem, I shall therefore still have my problem. I am going to run into my problem and keep running into it as long as I keep my attention upon it. My need is to fix my attention upon the omnipresence of God's goodness so that I will run into that heavenly condition."
In the section called "Using Divine Substance" he continues: "When we give or express life we increase our capacity for living. When we express wisdom we grow wiser. When we love we increase our consciousness of love. When we are joyous we increase our joy. When we exercise our strength we grow stronger. Our labors and our experiences in the material world should help us increase our inner, spiritual resources."
Lowell Fillmore, born January 4, 1882, in Pueblo, Colorado, began his work in the Unity movement while still in grade school by wrapping Modern Thought magazines on Saturdays. It was with the first issue of Modern Thoughts, published in Kansas City, Missouri, in 1889, that Unity was born. Lowell learned every aspect of the business of Unity, which included folding, binding, and posting the magazine; taking shorthand notes of Charles Fillmore's lectures; editing Weekly Unity; and making million-dollar financial decisions.
In 1933 when Charles Fillmore relinquished active command of Unity to travel and write, Lowell took over. He was treasurer of Unity School and became president of Unity School of Christianity in 1948 and remained at its helm until his retirement in 1972. During that time he continued to write articles for Weekly Unity. He published three books of essays and a booklet of verse. he also originated the Prosperity Bank, one of the most helpful and popular ideas conceived at Unity. Lowell Fillmore made his transition in 1975.
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