Sacred Elements of Healing
Through the years, Silent Unity has received countless stories of physical, emotional, and spiritual renewal through affirmative prayer. Now, those inside Unity share their inspiring stories of healing.
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Product Description
Sacred Elements of Healing: The Experience of Silent UnityFirst in a series!
Silent Unity began in the hearts and in the home of Myrtle and Charles Fillmore following their healing experiences through affirmative prayer. Since 1890, Silent Unity has prayed continuously with millions of people from all walks of life. One of the most frequent prayer requests is for healing. Through the years, Silent Unity has received countless stories of physical, emotional and spiritual renewal through affirmative prayer.
Now, those inside Unity share their inspiring stories of healing. Rosemary Fillmore Rhea tells the story of her grandmother Myrtle; Rev. Dorothy Pierson, who joined Silent Unity in 1938, recalls Charles and tells about her own healing as well as lessons learned from a lifetime of spiritual practice. Dorothy's husband and partner in ministry, Rev. Phillip M. Pierson, offers principles for positive living. Lynne Brown, vice president of Silent Unity, provides affirmations to guide you on your own journey to complete well-being.
CD, 54:19 minutes
Product Details
Weight: 0.144
Format: CDS