Shared Spirit-The Divine in Me and You Card Deck
Shared Spirit: The Divine in Me and You is an affirmation card deck that contains 29 cards with 58 inspirational messages. On each card, there is a personal affirmation on one side with a collective affirmation on the reverse.
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As above, so below. Sometimes we need to reflect on the divinity within us, and sometimes we need to remember the divinity in others. This affirmation card deck helps you do both. Shared Spirit: The Divine in Me and You contains 29 cards with 58 inspirational messages. On each card, there is a personal affirmation on one side with a collective affirmation on the reverse. This deck makes it easy to reflect on the Divine in me and you, and the divinity that is flowing in between. After all, we all share Spirit.
The purpose of this affirmation card deck is to remind you that your thoughts and words have creative power. With Shared Spirit: The Divine in Me and You, you can focus your creative power on manifesting goodness for all of humanity. Reflect on these affirmations and remember that divine abundance is unlimited. The more we create, the more there will be for all of us.
Shared Spirit: The Divine in Me and You is an excellent self-care resource or a part of a daily spiritual practice. This deck is for anyone who is seeking to connect with their creative power and the world around them. When you remember your interconnected nature, it becomes easier to connect with yourself and other people.
This one-of-a-kind affirmation card deck allows you to witness the divine nature that is present with all people. Use them for personal reflection, meditation, or as journal prompts. Whether you are looking for manifestation support, a prayer companion, or a meditation tool, Shared Spirit: The Divine in Me and You will empower you.
Remembering our shared spirit is a transformational feeling. While we may be walking our individual path alone, we are always one with divine presence. We are always interconnected with the rest of humanity, nature, and God.
30 cards, organza bag
Gift, Tool, Gift, Prayer, Affirmations, Card