The Week That Changed The World - e-Book
This enlightening study gives you a new perspective on the 47 events of Holy Week, from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. Presented in the form of daily lessons, each chapter provides a thought-provoking look at each event. A study guide is included.
Product Description
It was given to one man--Jesus Christ--to change the world. And ... the last week ... changed it most of all.
From entering Jerusalem to the Resurrection, there are revelations here to inspire you during the Lenten seasion and throughout your life.
This enlightening study gives you a new perspective on the forty-seven events of Holy Week, from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. Presented in the form of daily lessons, each chapter provides a through-provoking look at each event. A study guide is included in the back of the book for easy review.
Available in e-book format from these distributors.