Unity and World Religions
In this book, longtime Unity minister Paul John Roach connects the dots between Unity teachings and the tenets of the world’s religions. He elaborates on the 5 universal principles taught in Unity and shows how they are expressed through other faith traditions.
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Product Description
New From Unity Books!
The same spiritual principles run like a thread through most of the world’s religions. Indeed, they have been called the "golden thread" or "Perennial Philosophy."
In this book, longtime Unity minister Paul John Roach connects Unity teachings with the ancient ideas found in the world’s religions. He elaborates on the five universal principles taught in Unity and shows how they are expressed through other faith traditions.
Roach includes Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, and Christianity to compare to Unity. He also writes about smaller traditions such as Sufism and Zoroastrianism and acknowledges lesser-known groups, even including Dudeism, based on the movie The Big Lebowski. (“The dude abides.”) Most sections include extensive quotes from the luminaries of each tradition.
This book is a treasure trove of ideas and stories about the many ways human beings relate to the Presence we all feel.
Free study guide available for groups or individuals.
Video Discussion Watch the video of Unity Books Presents: An Online Conversation with Paul John Roach, featuring authors Philip Goldberg, Vanessa R. Sasson, and Ellen Debenport discussing Unity and World Religions.
Praise for Unity and World Religions
At once personal, practical, and profound, this distilled view of the world’s religions through the Unity lens is engaging. The global spiritual vision that emerges shines forth as the light of wholeness, revealing the way to meet the pressing challenges of our time.—Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian, author of The Jewel of Abundance
Unity and World Religions is engaging and free of ponderous academic analysis. I especially appreciated the many quotations from mystics of the different traditions. As a teacher of world religions courses for over 30 years, I am delighted to have this brilliant new book and plan to use it as a text in some of my future courses. Well worth reading by anyone interested in a deeper understanding of human existence and spiritual possibilities.—James Gaither, Th.D., author of The Essential Charles Fillmore
While religions obviously differ in doctrine, history, language, ritual, and the like, the inner experiences their mystics describe point to the same Ultimate Reality. In our era of dangerous division, it's vital that this essential insight be shouted from the pulpits. This book is one welcome shout.—Philip Goldberg, author of American Veda, The Life of Yogananda, and others
Paul John Roach is able to draw the reader into each of the traditions with the enthusiasm of a young man who has just embarked upon the seeker’s path. The spirit of each tradition becomes palpable, as if you are experiencing it through the eyes of a devoted follower. Many authors would have made this into a long slog, grindingly slow and difficult, but Paul’s skill is to enable the spirit, the real meaning of each religious practice, to come flooding off the page in an effortless stream.—Richard C. Anderson, author of Transcendent Leadership and Mind-Spirit Detox.
Softcover, 194 pp
Book, Award, Textbook, Bible